Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pakistan: Catholic Bishops Conference not sincere in demand to repeal blasphemy.

By Pakistan Christian Post(PCP)

Karachi; January 19, 2010. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC said that National Commission for Justice and Peace NCJP,

established by Catholic Church of Pakistan and Bishops Conference in Pakistan is not serious on common Christian’s demand to repeal blasphemy in Pakistan which is source of violence against Christians but planning to hijack movement against controversial law on intimation of PPP government.

The Pakistani Christians staged protests in every city and town of Pakistan on August 11, 2009, by observing successful “Black Day” on Pakistan Christian Congress PCC call against burning alive of Christians in Gojra on pretext to blasphemy law by Muslim mob while Christian clergy-PPP government announced “ Minority Day” which was ignored by people.

“PCC terms NCJP signatures campaign to repeal blasphemy law instead of filing lawsuit in Supreme Court of Pakistan is on intimation of Pakistan Peoples Party PPP government in Pakistan to derail movement against blasphemy law” said Nazir Bhatti

The Islamic parties in Pakistan can present million signatures and bring hundred thousand activists on streets to press upon government to block repeal of blasphemy law if NCJP comes out with one hundred thousand signature.

The Islamists in Pakistan have already threatened street power of million if PPP government amends or repeals blasphemy law and Islamic Parties staged protest to counter Christians “Black Day” to repeal blasphemy law on August 11, 2009.

Pakistan Christian Congress PCC announced to file lawsuit in Supreme Court of Pakistan and invited NCJP leaders during recent visit to USA to share costs of lawsuit and join as petitioner but same was denied when Bishops Conference in Pakistan and NCJP is spending millions from poor Christians funds on tours to USA and Europe to hijack movement of Christians against blasphemy law in Pakistan.

It is on record that Bishops of Catholic Church and Church of Pakistan welcomed “Sharia Law in Pakistan” during International Jurist Conference in Lahore called by then premier Nawaz Sharif. The Bishops said on stages and in drawing room meetings with Pakistan Muslim League leaders that minorities are more protected in Islamic laws but Pakistan Christian Congress PCC opposed implementation of Islamic laws on Christians when military dictator late Zia-ul-Haq announced “Prohibition Ordinance of Hudd” . It is on record and no one can deny facts that Christian clergy in Pakistan dispatched delegations to Western countries to propagate that Christian are happy with Islamic laws or Sharia law in Pakistan.

“I urge US Commission on Religious Freedom, US Home Department, EU Human Right Commission and United Nations Human Right Commission that presentations made by NCJP, Christian Study Center Pakistan and Pakistani clergy on issue of blasphemy law are not true voice of Pakistani Christian because Christians demand repeal of blasphemy law nor any amendment” said Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti added “I appeal to US Commission on Religious Freedom, UNHRC, EU Human Right Commission and other International Forums to invite leaders of masses who stage protests in Pakistan against blasphemy but can not afford funds to tour abroad for presentation because they are true voice of 20 million Pakistani Christians nor NCJP or Christian Study Center paid workers who speak on behalf of clergy and government of Pakistan”

Nazir Bhatti clarified that NCJP signature campaign against Separate Electorate was successful because it was agenda of PPP and other Muslim political groups to bag Christian vote bank when Christians never demanded Joint Electorate but were casting hundreds of thousands of votes to elect their representatives by their votes. Such forums misled international forums on issue of election system for Christians in Pakistan and now again misleading on blasphemy law.

Dr. Nazir S Bhatti retreated that PCC along with other Christian groups which participated in “All Christian Parties Conference to End Blasphemy Law” in Rawalpindi on October 25, 2009, shall keep pressing government of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law and shall file lawsuit in Supreme Court of Pakistan for remedy.

PCC will announce date of filing of lawsuit in SC to repeal blasphemy law after draft legislation of Shahbaz Bhatti, in parliament.

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