Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vedic Verses for 1/24/10

Vedic Verses

A daily collection of verses from the Vedas, Hinduism's revealed scripture

The mind is, verily, greater than speech. Just as the closed fist holds two amalakas, or two plums, or two aksha fruits, so does the mind hold speech and a name. For when a man thinks in his mind that he would read the sacred hymns, then he reads them.When he thinks in his mind that he would perform actions, then he performs them. When he thinks in his mind that he would have sons and cattle, then he desires them. When he thinks in his mind that he would have this world and the other, then he desiresthem. Mind, indeed, is the self; mind is the world; mind is Brahman. Meditate on the mind.
Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad VII, II - Mind as Brahman, 1

He who meditates on mind as Brahman can, of his own free will, reach as far as mind reaches-he who meditates on mind as Brahman. Narada said: Venerable Sir, is there anything greater than mind? Of course there is something greater than mind. Please tell that to me, venerable Sir.
Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad VII, II - Mind as Brahman, 2

Will (Samkalpa) is, verily, greater than mind. For when a man wills, then he thinks in his mind, then he utters speech and then he employs speech in the recital of a name. The sacred hymns are included in a name and all sacrifices are included in the sacred hymns.
Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad VII, IV - Will as Brahman, 1

Will, indeed, is the goal of all these beginning with mind and ending in sacrifice; from will they arise and in will they all abide. Heaven and earth willed, air and akasa willed, water and fire willed. Through the will of heaven and earth, etc. the rain wills; through the will of the rain, food wills; through the will of food, the pranas will; through the will of the pranas, the sacred hymns will; through the will of the sacred hymns, the sacrifices will; through the will of the sacrifices, the worldwills; through the will of the world, everything wills. Such is will. Meditate on will.
Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad VII, IV - Will as Brahman, 2

He who meditates on will as Brahman can, of his own free will, reach as far as will reaches-he who meditates on will as Brahman. Narada said: Venerable Sir, is there anything greater than will? Of course there is something greater than will. Please tell that to me, venerable Sir.
Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad VII, IV - Will as Brahman, 3

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