Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Help pours in for Pakistan Hindus in India

Source Tribuneindia


All-India Hindu Shiv Sena (AIHSS) President Surinder Kumar Billa and social activist Ashok Kapoor here today handed over financial aid to the four Pakistani Hindu families comprising 32 member who, fearing persecution in their motherland, arrived in India to settle down permanently.

Following a large scale intrusion of Taliban and other militant organisations in Pakistan, members of the minority community, unsure of the times ahead, bid adieu to their motherland. They arrived here from Sindh and North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.

Billa renewed the demand to grant them nationality paving the way for their permanent residence and bright future for their children. He said they would be able to join a profession and admit their wards in schools once they were granted nationality.

He said the Central Government amended some clauses of the Citizenship Rules, 1956, for application in the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. He said a similar decision should be taken to help these Hindu families to settle in India.

The migrated families said they were forced to close their business establishments as militants were allegedly extorting money to wage a war on the anti-Islamist forces. He said life of almost all the families, including the Sikhs, had become miserable following deep penetration of Taliban elements in Pakistan who wanted to replicate erstwhile Taliban-governed Afghanistan in Pakistan.

They said around 300 Hindu and Sikh families residing in areas adjoining the Swat Valley had already taken shelter in various shrines, including Gurdwara Panja Sahib, Nankana Sahib and Gurdwara Bhai Joga Singh in Peshawar, said Jagdish Sharma
from Peshawar.

Women members of migrated families claimed that they used to be confined to their houses and could hardly move out without the company of male members.

Billa said his organisation would continue to support these families and would not shy away in roping in persons and other organisations for extending them succour. He opined that the Central Government must use its good offices to convince the Pakistan government to protect minority communities there. 

He added that he was taking up the matter with the Union Government for their proper rehabilitation here, besides educating the children.

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