Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Christian girls kidnapped, converted to Islam and forced to marry Muslim in Faisalabad (PAKISTAN)

Source pakistanchristianpost.com

Toronto, Canada: February 22, 2010. Agnes Massey Advocate, President of Pakistan Christian Congress Canada Chapter have strongly condemned abduction, rape and enforced conversion of Christian girl by Muslims in Faisalabad.

PCC Canada Chapter President was expressing her views here today after commenting on news published in AsiaNews.

According to AsiaNews, a young Christian woman was kidnapped, raped and forced to convert to Islam by a Muslim man in Faisalabad, Khalil Tahir, chairman of “Adal Trust,” a free legal aid organization that helps minorities, told AsiaNews.

18-year-old Razia went to visit her aunt on October 21 but never came home. Her parents went out looking for her but to no avail. They also contacted a Muslim man, Sajid, who had harassed her in the past, but he denied any knowledge of her whereabouts. Razia did eventually make it home on October 31 in a state of shock. She told her parents that Sajid had abducted her, repeatedly raped her and forced her to convert to Islam. She is currently under medical care.

“The girl’s father went to the police to file a complaint on the evening of Razia’s return, but they were reluctant to register the case fearing that it might get out of proportion because of its religious element,” Khalil Tahir told AsiaNews.

Agnes Massey urged Punjab government to ensure justice to victims .

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