Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rally Against the Ground Zero Mosque in NYC , United States of America

By Purushottam singh (PHP from New York)
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
USA : “No mosque at Ground Zero” was the rallying cry of the day as thousands of angry demonstrators gathered for a rally to oppose the proposed construction of a 13-story mosque just blocks away from the site of the 9/11 attacks. A palpable patriotism and zeal filled the air on Sunday afternoon, June 6th, as Zucotti Park at the corner of Church and Liberty Streets in lower Manhattan was filled to capacity. Rally attendees who came from as far as Chicago and Los Angeles held signs saying, “Ground Zero is a War Memorial – No Mega Mosque here,”  ”You Can Build a Mosque at Ground Zero – When Can We Build a Synagogue in Mecca?”, “Pack Your Sharia and Get Out,” and “Mayor Bloomberg: This Mosque Has Radical Ties – and you still approve?” Hundreds of American flags blew in the summer breeze as speakers representing every walk of life condemned the notion of a mosque being erected near the site of the former World Trade Center’s twin towers.

Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Hindu human rights activist, told the crowd,

“We Hindus and Sikhs have a story to tell. Islamists killed 80 million of us since 700 AD and they continue to kill us. They destroyed 3000 glorious temples and built mosques over them. In the last 60 years, Islamists in Pakistan wiped out infidel Hindu and Sikh populations. At one time we represented 25% of the population and now we are less that 1%. Know this: The 9/11 mosque is not a symbol of understanding. It is a symbol of conquest. Imam Rauf is a master of Taqiyya, which is the use of deception to forward the agenda of Islam. What Faisal Shahzad failed to accomplish in Times Square on May 1st with overt jihad, Imam Rauf will succeed with stealth jihad.”

The rally organizers urged those in attendance today to continue their work against the mosque in their localities and they were exhorted to return for yet another rally in opposition to the mosque on September 10th. The rally concluded with the singing of “God Bless America.”

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