Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Founding fathers of Pakistan and Jinnah had ancestral roots in Hinduism

By Mohammad S.Solanki (Executive Editor)
Saturday, February 12, 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: N. Karnik
Date: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Mohammad Ali Jinnah
To: Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP)


Dear Gopinathji

       A AMAZING HISTORICAL FACT, PROBABLY KNOWN TO VERY FEW PEOPLE. Here are some interesting facts on the Lohana roots of Mohammad Ali Jinnah the founding father of Pakistan.
(Photo : Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with National Flag of Pakistan)

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Urdu: محمد علی جناح, Gujarati: મુહમ્મદ અલી જિન્ના),December 25, 1876 – September 11, 1948) was a 20th century lawyer, politician, statesman and the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly and officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam (Urdu: قائد اعظم — "Great Leader") and Baba-e-Qaum (بابائے قوم) ("Father of the Nation"). 

He was the grandson of Premjibhai Thakkar (Gondal), who, to support his family, entered into the trading of fish within the coastal town of Veraval.

His business, however, clashed with the (vegetarian) strong moral ethics of the Lohanas and as a result he was ostracised from the community.

He made enough money in this trade and attempted to rejoin the community. He also discontinued the fish business. The Lohana leaders, in their wisdom, did not accept his request. (think about the course of history, if they had not had inflated egos and had welcomed him back!)

Premjibhai' s son Punjalal Thakkar (Jinnah's father) was enraged at his father's humiliation and reacted like any other Lohana - with equal and opposite force. He adopted the Muslim religion and changed the names of all his four sons. However, he continued to use his Gujarati nickname: Zino (pronounced Jinno in old fashioned Gujarati) which means 'Skinny.'

Jinno`s son - Mohammad Ali - changed his family name to Jinnah - the nickname of his converted father.

So, here is the fact. Gandhiji who effectively gave birth to independent India (Bharat) and Jinnah, who is the father of Pakistan , are both sons of Saurashtra, (old Kathiavad) Gujarat.

So the founding fathers of Pakistan had their ancestral roots in Hinduism, who were all converts from Hinduism.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal's (60, national poet of Pakistan and writer of Saare Jahan Se Achchha) father Shaikh Nur Muhammad was a prosperous tailor. His grand father Sahaj Ram Sapru moved to Sialkot after conversion to Islam.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (51, PPP founder, 4th President, 9th Prime Minister) was born to Khursheed Begum née Lakhi Bai and Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto. Sir Shah, the son of Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto, was born into a Rājpūt family that had accepted Islām.

Jagannath Azad (86, Isa Khel, Punjab) was a prominent Urdu-speaking Hindu academic who wrote the first national anthem (Qaumi Tarana) of Pakistan.

Ae sarzameene paak (Oh land of Pakistan)
Zarray teray haen aaj sitaaron se taabnaak (Stars themselves illuminate each particle of yours)
Roshan hai kehkashaan se kaheen aaj teri khaak (Rainbows brighten your very dust)
Ae sarzameene paak (Oh land of Pakistan).

In 1947 Jinnah commissioned him to write it. It was used for about 18 months despite competition from rival BT Baghar, Jinnah wanted the anthem to be written by an Urdu-knowing Hindu to sow seeds of secularism.

Azad later migrated to India.
*This is an edited article by N. Karnik derived from 'Gujarat Samachar' and just clear facts are stated.*

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